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Selectmen Minutes 02/20/2007

Chichester Board of Selectmen
February 20, 2007

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Public Hearing – RSA 31:95-h, rescinding the Police Special Detail Revenue Fund
PRESENT: Police Chief; Patrick Clarke
Chairman MacCleery opened the public hearing at 7:00pm.  The Town has taken the recommendation from the State Department of Revenue Administration to restructure the Police Detail Fund from a Revenue Fund to a Revolving Fund.  Pursuant to the statute, RSA 31:95-h, a public hearing must be held prior to a vote at town meeting.  Rescission of this fund is contingent upon the passage at town meeting of the warrant article to establish the Police Special Detail Revolving Fund. Chairman MacCleery closed the public hearing at 7:04pm.  

The Selectmen discussed a request from the Historical Society to paint a mural on the walls in the upper lobby of the Grange.  The proposal is for a historical street scene. A motion was made by Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman MacCleery to approve the painting of the mural, provided the Board sees a paper rendition of the proposed scene prior to any painting beginning on the walls.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

SUBJECT: Town Organization Committee – Final Report
PRESENT: TOC members, Bruce Dyke, Lisa Drouse, Norm Larochelle, Alan Mayville; Road Agent, David Kenneally, and Gil Vien

The Town Organization Committee presented their final report to the Board of Selectmen.  A lengthy discussion took place encompassing several areas within the report.  The Road Agent made comments about the data in the report under his long range planning that he had not submitted.  The committee will work on clarification of the data and some rewording within the committees recommendations for the Town to change from an elected road agent to an appointed road agent.

Also discussed was the mechanism to be used for distribution of the report to the townspeople and where it would be available for the general public.  The committee also indicated the desire to distribute copies of the report to the surrounding towns and the other comparable towns who have contributed to the project.  

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BOS minutes
February 20, 2007

SUBJECT: Meyer’s RV – light trespass complaint
PRESENT: Mr. Miguel Grenier, Service Manager

The Board of Selectmen have received a complaint of light trespass from a neighbor directly across from Meyer’s RV and requested a representative from the dealership come before the Board to discuss the lighting ordinance and what if anything the business may or may not have changed to increase the intensity of the glare as stated in the complaint.  
Mr. Grenier explained to the Selectmen that the company replaced the entire inventory of light bulbs in November of 2006.  Due to the amount of burnt out light bulbs in all the outdoor fixtures, the company found it more cost effective to have them all replaced at the same time. The bulbs replaced were of the same wattage as to what was in place. The company did not change or replace any light fixtures.

The Selectmen informed Mr. Grenier of the lighting ordinance that exists in the town and explained to Mr. Grenier that at the time the ordinance was adopted, the fixtures already existing at the business known at that time as Gary’s RV are grandfathered.  Any replacement or additional lighting would need approval from the Planning Board and would have to meet compliance of the ordinance.  As to light trespass, the Selectmen, as code enforcement officers of the town, bear the burden of having the amount of lumens emitted from the lighting measured by a qualified technician to determine whether or not the business is in violation.  The Board will review the lighting ordinance as adopted in 2004 and as amended in 2006, to apply the correct standard needed to insure the business is or is not in compliance with the ordinance.  The Board briefly discussed the necessity to hire the town’s engineer for this task.  Further review of the lighting ordinance and the subsequent amended lighting ordinance will be taken and then a course of action will be discussed and forwarded to Meyer’s RV.  

Mr. Grenier offered to take a closer look at the night glare from the lights and the positioning of the parked inventory to see if this could hinder or help the glare projecting off the back lights.  The Board thanked Mr. Grenier for the cooperation extended from Meyer’s RV.   


A general discussion was held on the suggestion brought forth by Selectman DeBold to solicit some bids from outside sources for the Center Road project.  Chairman MacCleery favored the idea.  Selectman Colbert supported the idea but would first like to speak with the Road Agent to clarify that the scope of the project will be compared ‘like to like’.

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BOS minutes
February 20, 2007

The Board reviewed the letter from Millican Nurseries describing the scope of their proposed project to expand their irrigation system to their new lot across the street.  This entails boring and digging up of the road surface.  The Board directed Lisa to have the Road Agent review and comment on his recommendations prior to town counsel drafting an easement.  

Ms. Andrea Deachman, on behalf of the Chichester Youth Association presented an idea for recognizing sponsors of CYA.  Options include plaques to be posted either on the snack shack at the Carpenter Park or posted on the dugouts.  This would be categorized by level of donation.  The Selectmen were in favor of the concept providing the project does not deter from the esthetics of the park.  

Payroll and accounts payable was signed.

The Board signed the revised Letter of Intent which has been reviewed by town counsel, for the proposed Marsh Dam Project, between the Town of Chichester and Mr. Robert Cavacco, owner of the Hillcrest Campground.  

Correspondence and e-mails were reviewed.

The minutes of February 13, 2007, were approved with one correction, 1st page, last paragraph change the word “torn” to pulled.  The non-public minutes of February 13, 2007, were approved as written.    

The Board of Selectmen will not be meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2007, due to two members of the Board being away on vacation.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

_______________________ _________________________     _________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chair        David Colbert                          Richard DeBold

                                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN